Posted on 1/15/2019

Here in Michigan we get to experience all four seasons, which can be magical. Our cars experience those same four seasons! The weather is finally turning colder and that can bring to light some vehicle issues that the warm weather masks. The first issue that usually shows up in winter is the weak battery. As the temperature drops you may notice that your car takes longer to start or takes multiple tries. The slow starter usually usually indicates a weak battery that could leave you stranded, especially after short trips. A new battery can save you a call to the tow company for a jump-start. Once a battery gets to this point charging it will not be enough to cause it to perform as needed in cold weather. Muskegon Brake & Tire offers Interstate batteries with an industry leading warranty so that you have peace-of-mind. The second issue that may rear it's head is tires. Once you get your car started you may find that you don't have ... read more
Posted on 1/7/2019

I just got off the phone with yet another customer that is tired of getting the run-around from "the dealership". Which one? Does it matter? I field these calls regularly and I spend my time commiserating with customers that just want to be heard. They want to know what the urgency of the recommended repair is. They are tired of scare tactics and huge estimates that "HAVE TO BE DONE IMMEDIATELY" because the car is broken. Do I want to fix all the things that are wrong with your car? Of course! Am I going to try to scare you into a repair that doesn't need to be done today? Of course NOT! Why? Because that's not how I like to be treated. *whew* Sometimes you just have to vent. Why does this upset me so much? Because every time a person comes out of an experience like this their impression of the auto repair industry as a whole suffers. It makes my job harder be ... read more